From large scale operations to individual condo accommodations, Waymarker Vacations has the industry expertise to ensure your vacation condo delivers the profitability you dreamed it would. Maybe you’re an individual owner self-managing their Canmore condo on AirBnB and it has become a little more time consuming than expected… managing your reservations, your housekeeping and maintenance can be overwhelming. Especially with the staff and labour difficulties in Canmore and beyond. We can help.
Waymarker Vacations is an innovative leader in hotel and restaurant management in the Canadian Rockies and beyond. Growing revenues, controlling expenses and increasing profitability for building owners, individual investors and rental pool participants is a job we take seriously. We balance local ingenuity with experienced management expertise to ensure operational excellence and accountability to all levels of ownership.
Whether from the start of the development process or increasing performance of existing hotels, Waymarker Hospitality can help successfully manage your operations giving you the peace of mind and investment advantage you need.